We solve the technical challenges and complexities of processing agri-food industry wastewater and other residuals. These ‘wastes’ can usually be repurposed as valuable resources.
Our industrial wastewater experts have deep experience helping agri-food companies and manufacturers solve the technical challenges and complexities of processing organic waste.
We have experience working with family farms, multi-national agri-businesses, and major processing facilities to manage production wastewater, residuals, and byproducts.
Whether your facility is serviced by a municipal utility or you discharge directly to the environment, we can help.
We understand that a failing system requires immediate action and carries significant cost and regulatory implications. We understand that a true comprehensive solution to a technical problem must also include clear guidance on complying with the labyrinth of municipal and regional regulatory authorities.
By focusing our effort on the heart of your process systems, Azura’s industrial wastewater experts can provide unparalleled results when it comes to optimizing your process, maximizing yields, and achieving stable operations. We understand agri-food industries have particular needs and sensitivities around not only washing incoming crops, but also seasonal harvest campaigns, and the need to have the treatment system at peak efficiency over a widely varying incoming load.
“Our fleet of plants produce very challenging wastewater for our biological activated sludge system to treat. Starting almost 20 years ago, Dave has supported our wastewater treatment operations, whenever we have needed him, across several sites. Process design and optimization, troubleshooting, technology evaluations, detailed testing and operator training—I’ve come to rely on Dave’s advice and guidance in many fronts. Trusted for his real-world experience, the practical advice really sets him apart.”
– Abraham M., Environmental Systems Manager, Rendering Facility